Friday, September 28, 2018

Research- Fashion Photography

Here I have researched a brief history of fashion photography to get a better idea about how to go about creating my magazine.

Research - Industrial Context

This is my research on magazines in light of my chosen brief.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Planning - Summation of My Findings

In light of my research, I have decided on the codes and conventions of a fashion magazine that I will adhere to. This will be things like in Paper and Dazed magazine, I will adopt the use of minimalism on the front cover and contents pages for my aesthetic. I will also adopt the ideas for content from mainly Grazia - which is fashion-focused, however I will include some elements of the LGBTQ+ political stance to fit the brief of having an 'issue' discussed in the magazine. In terms of the website, I will take inspiration mainly from Dazed website, but also elects from Grazia in terms of the content focus. I will take inspiration mostly from Grazia regarding my contents page, because it adheres to the codes and conventions of a fashion magazine.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Planning - Colour Scheme

For my first magazine cover and contents page, I decided to go with a pink theme, inspired by my research of Paper Magazine. I wanted there to be bright pops of colour, such as yellow and white, amongst different shades of pink. This would connote femininity, and also play into my theme of sweets and sugar; which are often associated with girls.

For my second magazine cover and contents page, I wanted a more neutral colour scheme. I decided to use pale colours, such as icy blue and pale skin. This would make the pops of colour in the lipstick and makeup stand out, as these are the main focuses of the images. This colour scheme is quite neutral; which links to my focus on gender neutrality in the media.

Planning - Casting


I decided to use Tasha Brand as my main model because she is generically pretty, and is a class AB 18 year old, which fits the demographic of my target audience. Tasha is a big user of social media and Instagram which meant she was comfortable taking photos and wasn't put off by being in the spotlight. She also has good makeup skills which allowed me to achieve the look I wanted.

I decided to use Sean Bundy as my other main model because he is typically attractive and masculine. He was also a close friend of Tasha's so he wasn't uncomfortable being kissed by her. He also was a rugby player and therefore muscular but was comfortable wearing makeup, which complimented my theme of breaking the barrier between masculine and feminine.